No getting in the way of Rae

Busy grandmother Rae is doing everything she can to care for 3 school-aged children. Blake is the eldest child, in Year 8. Domonic is in Year 3 and Aemillia is in Year 2. Like all grandparents, Rae wants the best for them.
Rae does everything she can to keep the family afloat financially. She budgets and saves. She visits the farmers markets and grows vegetables in her backyard to help keep costs low. She continues to find clever ways for the children to have what they need. But costs are rising.
Even with Rae’s thrifty ideas, it’s hard to afford the children’s school shoes, excursions and uniforms. Without these essentials, the children are at risk of falling behind their peers.
The financial support through sponsorship has helped to relieve the hardship and stress that comes with paying for these items. Thanks to sponsors like you, this hardworking grandmother has support to lift the barriers created by poverty. It has meant Rae can buy the things the children need to do their best at school and build a bright future. It’s been a big help as she does everything to make sure the family doesn’t miss out.
Without people stepping up and sponsoring kids, there would be no help for families like us. We’ve been caring for our three grandchildren on and off for three years. When the kids came to us, we were getting no money or help. The money from sponsorship helped out so much with Blake’s uniform. I was able to get him at least one of every item he needed, including a pair of socks.

Sponsorship has really helped in terms of getting uniforms and being able to say yes, we can afford to send you on that trip. I know I have extra money for whatever they need – swimming fees and things like that. The other support is really good as well. If I have a problem, I can ring our Learning for Life Coordinator.
Being in high school, Blake spends a lot of time online to complete his schoolwork. The internet is an extra expense on the family, already struggling with the cost of other essentials.
Sponsorship helps to bridge this digital divide, connecting Blake with free internet through Donate Your Data. Our partners at Optus provide families living with disadvantage with the internet access they need to fully engage with school in a digital world.
Thanks to sponsors like you, Blake, Domonic and Aemillia have access to the same opportunities as their peers. The support of sponsorship has lifted some of the pressure from a dedicated and caring grandmother.
Thank you for supporting Australian families to overcome the barriers of poverty. It means so much to carers like Rae. She can enjoy watching her grandchildren stay at school, dream big and have the confidence to reach their goals.
The kids are doing really well at the moment. So hopefully they'll continue to prosper and get everything that they need, and we can do a good job with them.