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This young physics buff knows how quickly the world is moving forward – and now he’s part of the action!

18 July 2024
Yasin, 16, is a bright, curious boy. His great passion is physics. “What I like about physics is that it helps you learn about how this world works. I find [cars and planes] very interesting, especially the way they move and how the shape affects everything they do. If I were to work on a machine, it'd probably be like a super car or maybe a jet,” he says. 

But despite a natural enthusiasm for learning, he’s had to overcome hurdles to achieve his potential. This began back in the primary years when Yasin’s family was living on the edge financially. Around this time, Yasin was able to join The Smith Family’s out-of-school learning programs thanks to gifts from people like you.
Yasin’s father had arrived here in Australia from Morrocco to create a better life. Having little English made it hard to get work. His mother Charlotte grew up with disadvantage. She hadn’t been able to fully engage in her own education, but she wants her children to have a better chance than she did. 

With the financial struggles and demands of raising five children, there was only so much Yasin’s parents could do to support his learning. There were some big disruptions. “Eleven times, we moved from one place to another to find a job,” says Charlotte. And while Charlotte and Yasin’s dad have always gone above and beyond for their children, they needed help to provide him with learning support all students need to get the most out of their education. 
My kids are my goals and my motivation. And I always tell my kids, ‘Education is important’. Graduate and find your goals.
Charlotte, Yasin’s mum
In highschool, digital access becomes crucial to the learning experience in and out of school. As Yasin was going through highschool during the pandemic, a connected device is so important to complete homework. His family couldn’t afford a laptop for him at the time. “Yasin had to join video calls and write essays on his phone,” his mum Charlotte says. “It was hard.”

Thanks to your generous support, Yasin could join our Digital Learning Essentials program and receive a refurbished laptop last year. Through this Smith Family program, he also receives free internet, calls and texts through the Optus Donate Your Data® initiative. “Now I can easily research and do all my online work that I have from school with no setbacks,” Yasin says.

Now in Year 11, Yasin is still highly inquisitive, with a technical mind. Yasin is focused on what life will be like after high school. Planning for a future career can be overwhelming for a Year 11 student. If they have a career goal, they need to understand what subjects to study. Yasin has felt certain he wants to build a future involving physics. What he’s less sure of is how to make this happen. 
Fortunately, through iTrack mentoring program, Yasin was able to figure this out. He was paired with an online mentor whom he talked to weekly for 18 weeks. Yasin’s mentor helped him explore the careers that could make the most of his maths and science passion and select the right subjects. “My mentor helped me find my path to achieve my goals. After school, I’d like to go to uni and hopefully I’ll become a mechanical engineer,” Yasin says.

That’s why your generous support has been so helpful. With the opportunity to access targeted out-of-school learning, like the iTrack mentoring program, Yasin feels reassured he can get the best chance to achieve what he’s capable of. “The support has definitely made me feel more confident with everything I do in school,” he says. “I don’t feel I am left out or behind the other kids – I felt like we are on the same playing field." 

Charlotte feels relieved and hopeful as, despite the challenges poverty has put in his way, Yasin can get opportunities to succeed. Your donations are removing those barriers. “I’m very appreciative, as Smith Family supporters have given Yasin a lot of support. I know he’ll have a very bright future,” says Charlotte. “To his supporters, I say thank you so much!”
Internet is a very big part of all the work we do at school today. When I didn't have a device or the internet, I felt like I wasn't getting the education the other kids were. I did worry about my future.
Yasin, iTrack participant
Read more student and family stories in our Spring 2024 edition of Real People, Real Stories

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