KIKASS | Keeping Indigenous Kids at Secondary School
Funding for Keeping Indigenous Kids at Secondary School ended on 30 June 2016 so this web page has been developed as a legacy and an ongoing resource to support information sharing and learning what works to improve outcomes for children and young people.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are less likely to complete Year 12 than their peers, which significantly impacts their chance of finding work as an adult.
High school indigenous students are also at risk of poorer attendance rates.
Giving disadvantaged Indigenous children and their families’ motivation, support and encouragement to turn up to class can reduce the likelihood that students will leave school early, and increase their chances of completing a high school education.

What is Keeping Indigenous Kids at Secondary School (KIKASS)?

KIKASS is a high school support program for Indigenous students at Bairnsdale Secondary College in Victoria, and their parents. It is offered to students supported through our Learning for Life program.
By providing opportunities for students to participate in Indigenous arts, leadership, music, sports, dance, drama and skills building activities, the program encourages Indigenous children to stay at school longer, develop leadership skills, build a strong connection to their community, and learn skills in an area that interests them.
Parents are also encouraged to take part in the program by engaging with the school and our Learning for Life workers, who can provide guidance, assistance and advice to connect them with activities and programs in the local community.
How KIKASS helps
By the end of 2011, 26 students completed Year 12 and 77% of this number went on to further study or apprenticeships, cadetships or traineeships.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs

Girls at the Centre

Our actions toward reconciliation

Indigenous Youth Leadership Program