Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Home Tutor Scheme
The Home Tutor Scheme involves training and then matching volunteer tutors with newly arrived migrants and refugees from non-English speaking backgrounds, to provide one-on-one English tuition in students' homes.
Young people are linked with a mentor to provide advice and guidance about workplace, study and career opportunities.
Keeping Indigenous Kids at Secondary School
Providing extra activities and support to encourage Aboriginal students from Bairnsdale Secondary College in Victoria to stay in school.
School Business Community Partnership Brokers
We support school communities to build effective and meaningful partnerships to improve educational outcomes for students.
Tertiary Mentoring
Connects disadvantaged tertiary students with trained, volunteer mentors, who can help them navigate their way through their studies and make a smooth transition to work.
School partnerships
We provide consultation services for schools to develop school-based strategic partnerships to assist with improving educational performance.
Tech Packs
Without access to a computer and the internet at home, many Australian children have difficulty completing important school-related tasks.