Strategic Partnerships in Schools
Partnerships to improve student learning outcomes
Schools are increasingly being asked to prepare students for a rapidly changing world and deliver improved generic skills beyond literacy and numeracy. These demands stretch the teaching and learning load. At the same time, students, families, schools and their communities face an increasingly complex array of issues. For example, some schools – particularly schools based in disadvantaged and regional communities – are vulnerable because they have fewer resources and reduced access to services.
School-based strategic partnerships assist teachers and principals in addressing entrenched educational underperformance in schools, particularly in low socio-economic communities.

Children and young people perform better where schools utilise the variety of networks, organisations and activities available in the community. Partnering with external organisations boosts the capacity of schools to improve outcomes for students and address barriers to learning.
Benefits delivered through strategic partnerships
Early identification of children and young people’s needs and quicker access to services
Improved educational outcomes and increased engagement and participation in school
Improved self-confidence and wellbeing
More positive school environment
Improved communication between schools and families and improved family engagement
Greater community connectedness and capacity
A widening of schools’ external contacts, networks and partnerships and enhanced social capital
Stronger relationships between schools and other local services, such as public housing and health
The promotion of lifelong learning through the re-engagement of adults with education
How we can help your school to develop strategic partnerships
When you engage The Smith Family to provide consultation services for your school’s strategic partnerships plan, our team will begin working with you on a thorough examination of your school’s assets and strengths and reviewing your existing stakeholder relationships.
Our service comprises
Developing evidence-based plans and universal interventions, biased towards vulnerable students, helping you access available resources, networks and funding; establish strategic partnerships; and build the capacity of both the school and staff
Developing strategic plans for the school working closely with principals and leadership teams; advising on improving engagement with parents and other local stakeholders
Supporting principals to effectively network with other principals along with parents and associations to share evidence-based practice

Our approach
The Smith Family’s approach empowers principals and school communities to address their challenges with the resources they need. This approach ensures there is sufficient strategy, support and training for school leaders and their boards to plan well and make good decisions for their students.
Focusing on the issue
Analysing the school review and other information to identify issues impacting on student learning outcomes
Reviewing the literature in relation to the impact of the issue on student achievement and engagement
Validating issues with school and community agency leaders; finalise a list of key issues for mitigation
Identifying program intervention/change strategies to address issues
Producing the Strategic Partnerships Plan
Developing an evidence-informed strategic partnerships plan including an implementation approach
Recommending a range of strategic partnerships to address each identified issue
Proposing a timeframe for implementation
Contact Us
For more information on our Strategic Partnerships Consultancy Services or our work please contact
(03) 9473 4300