Tech Packs
what is A tech pack?

Our Tech Pack program provides affordable, refurbished, internet-ready computers and internet access to disadvantaged families around Australia. Participating families receive eight hours of skills training with an accredited trainer and 12 months of free internet access and technical support to ensure they can get the most out of using the equipment.
We partner with corporate organisations who provide funding to support the program, and computer refurbishing organisations who provide the hardware and technical support to our families.
How do tech packs help?
Since 2007, we have delivered almost 4,000 Tech Packs to Australian families in need. In an independent evaluation of the program by Victoria University in 2010, participants reported increased feelings of social inclusion and connectedness in relation to “keeping up with the rest of the world.”
This evaluation also confirmed positive change for parents and their children in both skill and personal development.
97% of participants reported that having a computer (provided through Tech Packs) in the home helped with their child’s school work in 2015/16.
Funding for the Tech Pack program ended in 2017, for it has been superseded by our more encompassing Digital Access program.
This webpage has been developed as a legacy and an ongoing resource to support information sharing and learning.